I am a designer  , jeweller , metalworker based in North Wales , U.K.

All of my creations are made from sterling silver, nickel silver , brass or copper.

I started making jewellery when I was fifteen and have been working with various metals for over forty years and still am.

Following my BA Hons in Jewellery / Design , at Central School of Art & Design (London),

I worked briefly in Scotland and then in London ,as a jeweller / designer before moving abroad in 1991.

I lived and worked as a Self-employed Designer / Creator , jeweller / metalworker in Germany and Brittany (France)

until 2014 , when I moved back to the U.K. with my partner.

Together we set up a partnership V.T.A. in 2015.

My work is predominantly  commission based and I have been fortunate enough to have been asked to make many marvellous bespoke pieces .

I am looking forward to making many more in the future .